Personal profile

Personal profile

Miguel is highly pro-active and very focused whenever he sets himself a goal.

He is curious and interested in the comprehensive solution of any challenge presented to him. Miguel is an outstanding team player who likes to take over responsibility. He has a natural interest in technology and a flexible approach to work. He is experienced in dealing with ambiguity and is used to changing requirements, while still adhering to tight deadlines.

Throughout 2 years of UAT experience, he developed a precise understanding of business needs and requirements.

Technical skills

HTML/CSS Course by CodeCademy 100%
JavaScript Course by CodeCademy 100%
Project Management course with AspiraCon. 100%
Ongoin SAP 300 hours certification 88%
JQuery Course by CodeCademy 52%

More About Miguel?

Due to his passion for technology, Miguel has an advanced knowledge of Mac OS X, iOS, Windows OS, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Excel, Word and music editing software such as Steimberg Nuendo and Logic pro along with a good knowledge of Linux Ubuntu, Android OS and Windows Mobile.

What he loves

Miguel loves to fulfill his curiosity by studing science or tech related topics such as programming, electronics or physics. Besides with reading recreational literature, he has a growing passion for extreme sports such as snowboarding or skydiving, in which he will be getting his license soon.

Work Hard

While working on his career at Apple, Miguel has kept studying his Bachelor's Degree in Psychology which is still ongoing. On top of his ongoing degree, Miguel has studied some courses such as "Managing people effectively" at Cork College of Commerce and is currently taking the AspiraCon Project Management course.

Ready To Go

As a high performing Just Ask Agent who has been involved in testing the Just Ask and Chat systems for two years, Miguel is ready to take up the challenge that the UAT lead role represents. He feels that his experience and his passion can help him guarantee that the business requirements are met for every testing cycle.

Relevant Work Experience

Relevant Work Experience

Please find below aspects of previous work experience most relevant to the crucial requirements of the UAT Lead role.

1. Managing people and projects

2. Improving processes

3. Facilitating

Key learnings

Key learnings from UAT experience.

Key learnings

While working as a tester, Miguel has always tried to get as involved in projects as much as possible. He enjoyed collaborating across teams and different countries and continuously got excellent feedback from his superiors.

While trying to be as precise as possible as a tester, Miguel got used to deconstruct each task he was given into its elements in order to draft a plan for improving it. This made his work approach easy to execute and accurate.

During his involvement in UAT, Miguel has taken a lot of time to understand the systems behind the Just Ask system, which grow in complexity.

Risks identified

Out from all his attention to detail, Miguel has found a few risks involving the developing of testing cycles for JustAsk. With a system growing in complexity, the usual scripting process is not as ideal as it should since it leaves some room for mistakes that we can easily avoid.
The main issues spotted have been the following:
-Different naming conventions
-Scripting with ambiguous information
-Over scripting
-Uploading bugs

Suggested approach

-Systematic identification of main focus of testing
-Standarization of test elements
-Use of Excel rules to avoid inconsistencies
All of this is summed up in a pilot called "Dragon Scripting Standard" in reference to how the scales of a dragon support each other. It is meant to be a system easy to implement in UAT that will eliminate the majority of the bugs that have been named above, allowing the UAT lead to have all the atention in controlling the process.

Contact Miguel

Contact Miguel

Thank you for having taken the time to have a look at this project.

Please let me know if there are any open questions and I look forward to hearing from you.

[email protected] | +353 831366244 | Apple European Headquartes | Cork, Ireland

Co-director, assistant choreographer, dancer.

During his dancing years, Miguel gathered experience in managing people and projects, from the recruiting of a cast, to the final execution of a performance going through all the steps that made these projects possible. His analytical thinking and flexible approach helped him to prevent some errors and to react quickly to unforeseen events in a constantly changing and high pressure environment.

Best examples.

As some of the best examples on this experience:

- Co-director of the amateur dancing company "Principios" along to Denislav Valentinov. Their personal skills combined, granted many succesful choreographies with different casts of dancers.

- Assistant choreographer for many different companies, managing big groups of people. While being empathetic, he always managed to commit to high standards of quality.

- Dancer cast member, and musical director of the openning show of the "5th international salsa simpossium" in Madrid. In what it was back in the days the biggest salsa invent in Europe, he colaborated in the opening show carried out by the company "Aguanile" the Spanish Salsa Champions and world co-champions, by dancing and playing piano after being responsible of all the musical ammendments in an event that was beeing attended by over 4000 people in "La Riviera" in Madrid.

Documentation service manager, scanning supervisor, scanning agent.

Along with his dancing career, Miguel worked for the the company "Iron Mountain" taking care of medical documentation. His capability of strictly organizing big ammounts of information helped him quickly spot affordable ways of making processes easier and more reliable.

Best examples.

As some of the best examples on this experience:

- As a sacnning agent, he teamed up with a colleague to change the process to follow after the clinical files were transported into the warehouse, coming up with a tracking files method that reduced de human mistakes to almost none, and consumed less time from the logistic team members to move the files. The service to "La Princesa" hospital improved significantly, allowing the company to get some more similar contracts.

- As a scanning supervisor, Miguel proved to have a pro-active approach to challenges keeping track of bugs in the system, and looking for their root to guarantee an easy solution.

- The previous experience, granted him twice a position as the replacement manager of the documentation service at hospital "Nuestra Señora de América" in which we worked tirelessly to improve the storing of the exitus clinics.

Dance and Calculus teacher.

Combining dancing, and his calculus teaching experience with the Japanese Calculus method Kumon, Miguel was involved in teaching to different degrees since 2002 until early 2012. During this experience he learnt how to be flexible and attempt different approaches when the first approach to making someone understand doesn't work.

Along with the flexibility to be flexible in the resolving of problems, Miguel took from his teaching the capability of comunicating.